Create your first widget
When you have installed and enabled the plugin, you can start using it.
The workflow is exaclty the same as any other Widget-creations, i've only added some extra options. Go to Components » Widgetkit to open the Widgetkit and click the New button on top
Select the Hikashop Content type.
And select the widget you would like to create. You can use all widgets you like, but some won't be very usefull (like the Google Maps widget :) )
After your selection click Create at the bottom.
Now you go to the widget screen. Give your widget a name, this name won't be shown at the frontend and is only for internal use.
Select the category you like to show. This can be a product category. But you can also select a category you use for badges or discounts. Below you find a selection box to include Subcategories.
With the Limit option you can select how many products you like to show.
You can select an ordering. Most options are default in Widgetkit, but i've added some more. - Most Sales, for the most populair products. - Highest Rated, for your best products. - Most Commented, for the products where people talk about. - Latest Seen, this option is for the last shown products sitewide (not the latest viewed products for a individual user.)
At the bottom of this page you find the Mapping options. Here you can select which content you like to view.
When everything is setup you can hit the Save button on top.
You might have noticed the settings button. Here you can setup specific options for each widget. As this is default in widgetkit i won't do this documentation. Here you can read more about Widget Plugin options.
Last updated