1.3 Articles / Categories

You can add a link to any list of multiple articles.

Click on the Green + icon to add another icon. Click on the Red - icon to remove the icon. Click and hold the blue arrow-icon on the left to move the icon to another position.

Enter a name which will be displayed in the Quick Icon (When you leave it empty, it shows all articles or the name of the category by default)

Choose an icon

Choose a Category from a list of all content categories.

Choose an Author from a list of all users. There is also an option to view the articles of the current User, so you have a list of "My Articles".

Choose one or more Tags from a list of all tags

Choose a Language from a list of all installed languages.

In the Search Query you can enter a word and the list of articles will be filtered by that word in the title. You can also create a Search Query like "content:hello" and all articles with the word "hello" anywhere in the content will be displayed.

And set the Icon.

Last updated